Do you find yourself craving sweet foods daily, especially in the afternoon?
If so, I understand because I used to be the same - I could eat nearly a whole packet of biscuits in one sitting without even thinking about it! But by implementing these 3 tips, I am now able to control those cravings without feeling deprived in any way.
Excessive refined sugar consumption has been linked with weight gain and obesity but more and more evidence is emerging of the potential silent effects on our long-term health: faster ageing, high blood pressure & cholesterol, depression, chronic inflammation and heart disease, diabetes, depression, fatty liver and increased risk of cancer.
Simple or refined carbohydrates (sometimes referred to as “bad” carbs) include sugars and refined grains that have been stripped of all bran, fibre, and nutrients, such as white bread, pizza, pasta, pastries, white rice, sweet desserts, and many breakfast cereals. They digest quickly and cause unhealthy spikes in blood sugar levels. That spike, in turn, triggers hunger that causes us to reach for those refined carbs again and keep the cycle going.
So how do we free ourselves of sugar cravings? Here are my 3 top tips.
Eat three regular meals a day
Skipping meals causes blood sugar levels to drop, prompting your body to crave quick energy—usually in the form of sugar. When blood sugar is low, your body craves foods like chocolate rather than healthier options. To keep blood sugars balanced, eat 3 protein-rich regular meals throughout the day. Start with a nutrient-dense breakfast and have a balanced, wholesome lunch. Coffee with a splash of milk is not breakfast! Many who struggle with afternoon sugar cravings find that eating nutritious meals earlier in the day helps curb these cravings and avoids the "danger alert" later on.
Balance your carbs and protein
Consuming balanced carbohydrates with optimal protein throughout the day can help stop sugar cravings. If you've ever eliminated carbs from your diet only to binge on sweets later, that's your body begging for carbs in the wrong way. However, not all carbs are equal. Avoid the refined carbs and swap for nutrient-rich ones like root vegetables (beetroot, sweet potatoes, carrots) & squashes, seasonal English fruits, whole grains and beans/peas for a satisfying meal.
While you can survive without carbs, for optimal energy, thyroid function, and hormonal health, quality carbs are key.
Optimise your sleep
Struggling to resist croissants or chips after a bad night's sleep? It’s not just lack of willpower—there’s a physiological reason. Poor sleep boosts the hunger hormone ghrelin, increasing appetite, while lowering the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin. Sleep deprivation also triggers sugar cravings as your body seeks quick energy. A 2018 study even showed that improving sleep led to consuming 10g less sugar the next day. So, prioritize sleep by refining your bedtime routine, getting morning daylight, and reducing evening blue light exposure.
Finally, personally I don’t think it’s necessary to give up all sweetness altogether. If you deprive yourself of food you enjoy, it can leave you feeling unhappy and could potentially lead to sugar binges. So, look at some healthier options to your favourite sweet treats and have them on occasion.
If you are struggling with sugar cravings and would like some extra support, I’d love to chat with you. Why not book a discovery call and see how a bespoke diet and some lifestyle changes can help your health flourish!– 07794 902467 –